Thursday, October 31, 2019

Assessment of Chinese culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Assessment of Chinese culture - Research Paper Example These cultural aspects included different religious beliefs, eating habits and diverse beliefs towards family planning methods. Through cultural biasness created, the researcher realized that Chinese distance themselves when communicating with other, avoid too many question by keeping silent and have a sense of humor. The researcher recommended nurses to build trusting relationships, advance their medical training programs and learn to communicate effectively in a multicultural environment. Lastly, the conclusion summarized what the researcher discussed under the research topic. Assessment of Chinese Culture Introduction Culture is an essential aspects and it plays significant roles in life of many people across the globe. Chinese culture is one of the oldest cultures that have been studied across the globe. The Chinese culture is dominant in the Eastern Asia whereby tradition, norms and values vary significantly among the provinces. They have different cultural components such as ma rtial arts, music, cuisine and many others. Cultural diversity enriches Chinese, yet it also poses varied challenges for nurses. This is because Chinese have cultural beliefs towards traditional medicines and such beliefs influences them on the way they treat illness and what constitutes good healthcare. They have beliefs on the way a person experiences and respond to pain or when one needs treatment. Nurses work with different people from diverse cultural backgrounds in order to deliver culturally competent healthcare. Therefore, nurses must embrace and understand varied cultural aspects in order to offer their patients culturally acceptable pain management. They should also be aware of the cultural beliefs, values and customs that might influence the patient’s responses to pain. Cultural belief can impact the role of nurses; thus, it is significant for nurses to stereotype patients in regard to cultural aspects. This will help nurses to understand the cultural patterns in o rder to deliver effective services. Thus, the research offers an assessment of Chinese culture and the way these cultural beliefs can impact the role of nurses; thus offering effective recommendations vital for improving nursing care in a multicultural environment. Summary of Chinese Cultural Aspects Chinese have different cultural aspects ranging from lifestyles, health practices, health beliefs and other different cultural aspects. A comprehensive interview was carried out in order to examine the way nurses build their nursing relationship with patients from different cultural areas. The qualitative data were collected through open-ended interviews in order to determine in case cultural lifestyles, health practices and health beliefs among the Chinese impact nursing roles. One man who is an M.D from a private health care organization and well conservative of Chinese culture, but living in America was interviewed. It was found that Chinese have varied health beliefs and practices t hat should be taken into consideration when dealing with Chinese patients. First, it was found that many Chinese avoid direct eye contact when communicating with others. For instance, many Asians consider it being disrespectful when looking at someone directly into the eye and this is likely to impact the roles of nurses in the hospital settings (Sagar, 2011). A Chinese patient may avoid eye

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Oral Reading Essay Example for Free

Oral Reading Essay Reading is a complex activity. It sends our brains into a frenzy of electrical impulses that zig and zag through matter in ways we still do not totally understand. It organizes sights and sounds in designs that ultimately connect us to the broad vistas of lifes many landscapes. Reading gives us the opportunity to appreciate those landscapes in all their variety. It is remarkable that, whatever approach, method, or ideology is used to teach reading, most students become proficient at it. For many students, successful reading is assimilated into their experience quickly and with seeming smoothness. For perhaps as many as 20% of students however, reading is not an automatic skill. Patterns of understanding have to be systematically instilled so that the reading has the opportunity to crack the alphabetic code. More and more, what we have learned is that connecting these alphabetic symbols to specific sounds in order to create meaningful words. There is considerable longitudinal research to support that we should employ literacy skills every time we read. Without this connection between the basic unit of sound and the alphabetic symbol, reading does not occur for any of us. Accurate identification of children who experience delays in attaining critical early literacy skills is needed to prevent reading problems. Studies have demonstrated that reading problems become increasingly more resistant to intervention and treatment after the 3rd grade. This study will focus on early core literacy skills. These needed core skills for young children are phonological awareness (ability to identify and manipulate sounds), alphabet knowledge (awareness of individual letters and letter names), and grapheme–phoneme correspondence (ability to identify correspondence between letters and sounds). Children’s abilities across these four core skills serve as important predictors of subsequent reading achievement. A screening instrument that does not comprehensively examine all core skills may be ineffective for identifying children who display limitations in a particular area of early literacy. However, failing to identify young children exhibiting delays in early literacy acquisition or lacking core literacy skills is a risky venture and this is a challenge that we will face in this study. Historical Background Name: Alyza Zofia Z. RenonAge: 5 Sex: FemaleDate of birth: March 10, 2006 Identification: Alyza is a normal, outgoing 5 year-old kindergarten girl. Since her mother is a pre-elementary teacher, she teaches her everything when they are at home. She enjoys dancing and playing games. She loves to listen about science-related topics whenever possible. She is talkative and loves to answer questions. She can only read alphabet and one or two syllable words with pictures. Affective Factors Alyzass motivational level apparently varies with the topic. According to her mother, if the topic is interesting to her like books with colorful pictures, she is highly motivated. However, if the topic does not appeal to her, she keeps silent or finds something to play with. Physical Factors Alyza has a very good eyesight, in terms of auditory acuity, Alyza showed no indications of difficulties. Alyza didnt show any other physical limitation; she appears to be physically healthy. This means, there are no obvious health-related reasons for her reading difficulties. Objectives: This research will aim to determine or identify student who is at risk or not at risk for reading problems. This study will also seek to answer the following questions: 1. How do the 3 literacy skills affect the reading of the child? 2. How does the students background affect her reading ability? 3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the child in reading? Significance of the study The researchers hope that the study will be beneficial to the following: To the student, who will learn and improve her reading skills. Likewise, to the teachers of kindergarten, for they will focus more on the three literacy skills. Furthermore, to the researchers, to understand the factors that affect the poor reading ability of the child. Lastly, to the school administration, this study will provide basis to improve their curriculum and to focus more on literacy skills in pre-elementary department. Scope and Delimitation of the study This study will be conducted to determine the literacy skills of a kindergarten child. It will deal on how the child identify and manipulate sounds, her awareness of letter names and ability to identify correspondence between letters and sounds. It will discuss the certain measures, steps and ways on how to develop the literacy skills of the child in reading but it does not deal on the ways on how to pronounce the words correctly nor steps on how to syllabicate the words properly. The respondent of the study will be limited to kindergarten student only. Research Paradigm Chapter 2 Review of related literature Local According to Unicef Philippines, there are only 63% of the children who enroll in school complete primary school, this means that the quality of education remains poor in many areas of the country. A childs literacy skills are important to their success in school and work. Children who learn to read from an early age are generally more successful in academic areas. (Unicef Philippines) There were a research in 2008 conducted by by Bananal, a faculty member of arts and letters in U. S. T on how to measure the reading ability of grades 1 and 2 students. She stated that there were 3 levels in reading: Independent reading level pupil can read with ease without the help or guidance of a teacher. The student can also read with rhythm, with a conversational tone and can interpret punctuation correctly. Instructional reading level pupil can profit from instruction. Frustrated reading level pupils show symptoms or behavior of withdrawing from reading situation and commit multiple type of error in informal reading. Reading levels of children Grade 1 Frustrated reader 64. 41% Instructional reader 20. 17% Independent reader 15. 42% Grade 2 Frustrated reader 49. 98% Instructional reader 31. 40% Independent reader 19. 07% The result showed that there many students who encountered difficulties in oral reading. This means that children did not master the three literacy skills when they were in the primary level. The use of accurate, valid, reliable screening tools several times throughout the early years can help in the identification of those in need of monitoring further intervention or remediation. Information obtained from early reading screenings is likely to lead to positive changes in childrens reading trajectories because prevention strategies and interventions provided have a better chances of success when started sooner rather than later (Bananal, 2008). Foreign The negative effects of reading problems are well documented (Harris Sipay, 1990). There is evidence that reading disability is associated with social, economic, and psychological problems. There is little evidence, however, that efforts to correct reading problems through remedial reading programs or through special education placement have been very successful (Allington McGill-Franzen, 1989; Hiebert Taylor, 1994; Johnston Allington, 1991; Karweit, Slavain, Wasik, 1992-93; Kennedy, Birman, Demaline, 1986; Rowan Guthrie, 1989). Instead, there is evidence to suggest that children who encounter difficulty in learning to read fall further and further behind their achieving peers (Stanovich, 1986). Traditional approaches to dealing with reading problems, such as tracking and grade retention, do not help; indeed, they often appear to be detrimental to eventual student achievement (Shepard Smith, 1989; McGill-Franzen Allington, 1993). In contrast, a growing body of evidence suggests that reading problems are preventable for the vast majority of students who encounter difficulty in learning to read, if these students receive extra support in the form of an early intervention program (Goldenberg, 1994; Hiebert Taylor, 1994; Reynolds, 1991). In this paper, the term early intervention refers to early school intervention programs that are designed to prevent problems in literacy from developing rather than trying to correct a problem after it is established. For the most part, such programs have been used in first and second grades. Several of these programs have proven very effective when compared to conventional compensatory reading programs. For example, Hiebert, Colt, Catto, and Gury (1992) report that while 77 percent of the students in their early intervention project were reading at a primer level at the end of first grade, only 18 percent of a comparison group who participated in a traditional Title I program achieved that level of reading proficiency. While almost half (47 percent) of the students in the conventional Title I program remained nonreaders at the end of first grade, only 7 percent of the early intervention students were nonreaders. Thus, a growing body of evidence suggests that almost all reading problems are preventable. A review of the research literature indicates that there are at least five early reading intervention programs that have documented effectiveness. This paper will only very briefly describe the individual programs and then will concentrate on the factors that seem characteristic of all or at least most of these successful intervention programs. Two of the five programs, Success for All (Madden, Slavin, Karweit, Dolan, Wasik, 1991; Slavin, Madden, Karweit, Livermon, Dolan, 1990; Slavin, Madden, Karweit, Dolan, Wasik, 1992), and the Winston-Salem Project (Cunningham, Hall, Defee, 1991; Hall, Prevatte, Cunningham, 1993), involve comprehensive reorganization of the entire classroom routine; all students in the grades in which the program is implemented are affected. In the Winston-Salem Project all first and second grade reading/language arts instruction was reorganized around four major, thirty-minute blocks of activities: teacher-directed group reading activities, word learning activities, writing, and self-selected reading. In addition, in the school that served a very high proportion of at-risk students, an additional 45-minute block of time for very small-group instruction was included. During this small-group instruction time, students had additional opportunities to practice reading, writing, and word learning activities. Though it has now been implemented in more than 85 schools, Success for All was first implemented in schools in major metropolitan areas that served, almost exclusively, children from low socioeconomic backgrounds who had few experiences with literacy. Major features of this schoolwide program included heterogeneous grouping for most of the day, cross-grade grouping according to reading level for 90 minutes of smaller group (15 to 20 students) reading instruction, and one-to-one tutoring for those students  who needed extra support. The Boulder Program (Hiebert, Colt, Catto, Gury, 1992) and Reading Recovery (Clay, 1985; Clay, 1993; Clay, 1993a; Pinnell, 1989; Pinnell, Fried, Eustice, 1990) are add-on, pull-out programs; they are added to whatever approach to language arts instruction is being used in a school. The Reading Recovery Program, which originated in New Zealand, has been widely implemented in the United States and in several other countries as well. It is exclusively a first grade, one-to-one tutoring program. Reading Recovery is also recognized for the extensiveness of its teacher training program, which is conducted over the course of a year with fully certified teachers. The Boulder Program operated exclusively with the resources of a Title I program. The program worked originally with a pupil-teacher ratio of six students for each teacher. Through the use of carefully trained, supervised paraprofessionals who worked closely with certified, trained teachers, the ratio was reduced to three students for each teacher. Instruction was daily for twenty minutes. The Early Intervention in Reading Program (EIR) (Taylor, Frye, Short, Shearer, 1992; Taylor, Strait, Medo, 1994) takes yet another approach. Regular first and second grade classroom teachers work for an extra twenty minutes with the five or six students who are encountering the greatest amount of difficulty in learning to read. Provision is also made for these students to practice their reading for an additional five or ten minutes each day by reading individually or in pairs to the teacher, a teachers aide, a volunteer, etc. All five programs clearly acknowledge that the small-group or individual early intervention instruction that students receive is an addition to, not a substitute for, the instruction they receive as part of the regular classroom program. In the case of two of the programs (Success for All and the Winston-Salem Project), regular classroom reading instruction has been redesigned to ensure that appropriate instructional routines and materials are used. However, even when early intervention instruction is added to an effective existing reading program, there is also the anticipation that the sound practices that are part of the early intervention program will become infused into regular classroom instruction if they are not already part of it. For example, Reading Recovery teachers almost always spend part of their day as regular classroom teachers, reading consultants, language arts coordinators, etc. ; through these roles they attempt to introduce  instructional principles and practices that are part of Reading Recovery into the ongoing regular classroom. All of the programs reflect a model of reading as an active, meaningful, constructive process. Before-reading activities are used to build or activate relevant background knowledge, concepts, and vocabulary. Students are taught to monitor their reading to ensure that what they are reading makes sense. They are taught strategies for correcting word recognition errors that detract from meaning, and they are given opportunities for reacting and responding to selections they have read. The texts they are asked to read are read for enjoyment and for information. Other activities are developed within a framework of reading for meaning. Because reading for meaning is the constant point of reference and because students in these programs need substantial help in building word identification skills, the amount of time spent in discussing selections and in teacher questioning about the selection is kept to a minimum.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Determination of Unknown Salt Experiment

Determination of Unknown Salt Experiment Siar Azizi Introduction: Cold packs or medical cold packs are made and used in a variety of different ways. Cold packs are typically used in regards of medical treatment. Many athletes used cold packs to heal from any injuries. Furthermore, cold packs are used to keep medications cool for a given period, such medications include vaccinations. Cold packs contain a liquid inside, in most cases its water. In addition the water is mixed with a salt, which allows the cold pack to stay cool. The mixture that occurs between the salt and the water causes an endothermic reaction, which means that heat is absorbed. Due to the heat absorption, the temperature of the solution will decrease substantially. The cold pack experiment lab allowed us, the students, to apply theories learned in class to actual real life experiments; such experiments prepare us for future tasks the will be put forth to determine. Our main trajectory through this assignment was to determine what our unknown salt was, through experimental analysis. The main purpose of this lab was for us to determine what the given unknown salt is. For this experiment, my group and I were given unknown salt 7. Information recognized before starting the lab, were the materials needed, background information on the math required to determine the unknown(s). In addition, other background sources before starting the experiment included having previous knowledge of chemical formulas, understanding concepts learned throughout class and how a calorimetry works. Furthermore in order to determine how to complete the lab, we needed information upon how to properly keep the temperature of the water from decreasing or increasing, and this required that we needed to know what an insulator is and how to use it. To base a conclusion on what the unknown variables are, we needed to determine how to start and complete this experiment. To being with, we completed this activity by taking two of the three foam cups and placing them into each other. The foam cup inside the other cup will hold our water, while the other acts as an insulator, to prevent heat from escaping. Secondly, we used a graduated cylinder and measured 25.0-ml of water into it and put the water into the cup. After that we place the third cup, over the other two (acts like a cover) and put the thermometer through the top of the cup (This helps us determine the temperature of the water). Lastly, we measured the 3.0grams of our unknown salt and placed that into the water, letting it dissolve, and measured the temperature. The theories that needed to be taken into account for to help complete the lab, includes determine the heat capacity, q=mcà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  T. Other theories that we will also need to take into account for include, determine enthalpy, determining the change in temperature, and determining the percentage yield. In order to determine the enthalpy, the equation needed to be used is à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  H=-q. The equation used to determine change in temperature and percentage yield are, à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  T= T1 – T2 and Percent error= Theoretical yield-Actual yield x100. Theoretical As you read on, every equation will be examined and explained on what they mean and how they will be used. Brain, Marshall , and Sara Elliot. How Refrigerators Work.HowStuffWorks. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2014. Materials: The materials required in order completing the lab included goggles/eye wear; this will help prevent any type of harmful substances that we worked with from damaging your eyes. Three Styrofoam cups, the cups helps make an insulator and create the calorimeter. The thermometer was required in order to determine the temperature of both the water and the unknown salt. A weighing boat was also another source of material needed, in order to place 3.0grams of our salt. In addition, a scoopula and a scale were needed to help us determine the exact measurements of the unknown salt needed. Water was required to dissolve our salt into and measure the temperature of. A 100ml graduated cylinder was used to determine the accurate quantity of water required. Our unknown salt was another source of material given by our teacher, and this allowed us to complete the experiment. Other materials needed in order to complete the lab included paper towels. Procedure: In order to determine what our unknown salt is, we needed to make a guideline of the steps required to determine it. The procedure of our lab is: Gather all equipment/ materials to start procedure. Weigh the weighing boat, record the weight. Place 3.0 grams of our unknown salt 7 Take two of the three foam cups and place them within each other to create an insulator from preventing heat to escape or cold air from entering. Take the 100-mL graduated cylinder and measure 25.0mL of water. Take the 25mL of water and place it in the two foam cups Cut the third Styrofoam cup to fit the top of the first two cups. Make a hole, place thermometer in the calorimeter Read the temperature of water record it. Remove thermometer, add 3.0grams of unknown salt into the calorimeter. Let the salt dissolve and determine the temperature, by placing the thermometer through the top of the third cup. Before measuring the temperature, shake the cup to insure the unknown salt reacted/ dissolved completely. Determine the temperature and record results. Dispose of waste, clean the equipment and restart for the remaining two trials. Observations and Results: Before beginning the calculations for the lab, we need to determine what possible equation we will have to use. Equations: à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  T= T2 – T1 The equation above is the change in temperature, represented by delta (à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  ), which is the second temperature recorded subtracted by the first temperature recorded (T2 – T1). Q=mcà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  T The equation above allows us to determine the q, which is the quantity of heat transferred, which equals the mass (m), multiplied by the specific heat capacity (c), and multiplied by the change in temperature (à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  T=T2 – T1 ). à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  H=-q The equation above allows us to solve for the à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  H system. Once we determined the quantity of heat transferred, by using the equation q=mcà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  T, we can determine delta h by either replacing the q with mcà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  T, or place the result of q in the equation. Average Enthalpy= Trail 1+Trail 2+Trail 3 3 The equation above gives us the average enthalpy for the number of trails that was conducted by our group. We add up all the Enthalpy of all trials and divide it by 3, to give the average. Percent error= Theoretical yield-Actual yield x100 Theoretical This equation allows us to determine the percentage error of our results. After calculating for our enthalpy, we can take the theoretical yield, found on page 347, table 1 in our textbook, we can subtract is by the actual yield. After determining the value of that, we divide it by the theoretical value and multiply it all by 100%. With the recording of all our data obtained from doing the experiment, we were able to form a chart for all three procedures and mathematically determine what the unknown salt was. Weighing Boat=1.81 Grams Temperature of water and unknown salt obtained from three trails Table 1: Temperature results and Change in temperature of water through three trails. From this chart above, we can see that we completed three trails to determine the exact value of the unknown salt, and to determine what the unknown salt is. In addition, we recorded our temperatures of the water before the salt was added (T1) and after the salt was added (T2). From that point we calculated the change in the temperature for each trail, with the equation, à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  H=T2 – T1. Heat capacity and enthalpy of unknown salt for three trials Table 2: Enthalpy and heat capacity of unknown salt 7 for three trials. The chart above shows the heat capacity and enthalpy of the unknown salt from three different tests conducted. We determined the heat capacity using the equation q=mcà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  T and the enthalpy using mà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  H=q. The calculations for determine the results are shown below: Calculations: Note: 1mL is 1 gram. (M=dV, mass= density (1.00grams/mL) x volume (mL)) Trail 1: Q=mcà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  T mà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  H=-(q) Q= (25g) (4.18J/goC) (-8oC) (3.00g) à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  H=-(-0.836KJ) Q= -836J à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  H=0.836KJ/3.00g à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  H=0.279KJ/g Trail 2: Q=mcà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  T mà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  H=-(q) Q= (25g) (4.18J/goC) (-7oC) (3.00g) à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  H=-(-0.7315KJ) Q= -731.5J à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  H=0.7315JK/3.00g Q= -0.7315KJ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  H=0.2438KJ/g Trail 3: Q=mcà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  Tmà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  H=-(q) Q= (25g) (4.18J/goC) (-7oC) (3.00g) à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  H=-(-0.7315KJ) Q=-731.5J à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  H=0.7315KJ/3.00g Q=-0.7315KJ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  H=0.2438KJ/g Average Enthalpy: Avg Enthalpy= Trail 1+ Trail 2+ Trail 3 3 Avg Enthalpy= (0.279KJ/g) (0.2438KJ/g) (0.2438KJ/g) 3 Avg Enthalpy= 0.256KJ/g After determining our average enthalpy, we can determine what compound it is. Going into our textbook, onto page 347 and taking a look at table 1, we are given a list of compounds. The nearest compound our enthalpy is at is ammonium chloride. Ammonium chloride has an enthalpy of 0.277kj/g and we got an enthalpy of 0.256kj/g. using our knowledge based on rounding, we rounded up and made a conclusion stating that our compound was in fact ammonium chloride. Percentage Yield: Percent error= Theoretical yield-Actual yield x100 Theoretical Percent error= 0.277KJ/g – 0.256KJ/gx100 0.277KJ/g Percent error= 7.58% Therefore, the percentage error of our results was 7.58% Discussion: Throughout the cold pack experiment not all our results were accurate. Our results weren’t as accurate because we stumbled upon some errors while completing the lab. One error that we encountered while completing this experiment and one that had an impact on our final results was the way our calorimeter was created. Through the experiment we were to assume that the calorimeter would create an isolated and insulated system, but in truth it didn’t. As we proceeded through the experiment of putting the water into our calorimeter, there was a possible moment when there was a transfer of heat in between the Styrofoam cups and the solution, in our case unknown salt 7. The stage when there may have been a transfer of heat, was not taken into account and this could of have caused an increase or a decrease in the temperature of our solution. As we already know that the reaction was endothermic and since it’s endothermic the solution absorbed the heat, from the cups and re action. Such an error would cause a change in the temperatures of our solution to either increase or decrease. The result of this error had a medium impact on our final results. This was a medium impact because it not only affected our solution, but also the measurements we took. Resolutions to possibly prevent this error from occurring includes, taking account that the temperature may increase or decrease due to that fact it isn’t an actual isolated system. Another solution can include using different materials that would insulate the solution better. Our second source of error was taking the measurements of the water and measuring the accurate temperature of the water. When taking the measurements of the temperature of both the water and solution, there could have been an error from what we saw and what we wrote. Furthermore, since we don’t know whether the thermometer was actually inside the water, it could have not been touching it which in turn gave us the wrong results. An example could include is when taking the temperature of the water, the thermometer could have read 22oC and we could have seen it as 23oC or24oC. The result of this error had a medium effect on our data and due to this effect, our enthalpy wasn’t as accurate, and didn’t exactly match the ones in the textbook. When measuring the amount of water required dispensing in the calorimeter we need to use a graduated cylinder for accurate measurements. The cylinder was to give us the accurate measurement of whether we had exactly 25ml of water o r not. The error in this measurement was for us to check with if it was exactly 25ml, and this may have resulted in either something less than 25ml or more than 25ml. The impact the source of error had on our final result was medium. The impact was medium because even though it did affect our final results, it didn’t affect it by a lot. It hadn’t affected our results by a large quantity because the difference between the solution we were supposed to get and the one we had, had a small margin of differences. The last source of error, that we hadn’t taken account for throughout the process of completing the experimental lab, may have had an impact on our final results. This error that affected our results was the fact that our unknown salt 7, was exposed to air for a periodic time. Due to a fact that the salt was exposed to air, it may have resulted in some of the salt reacting with the atmosphere. Due to this error, our results could have been incorrect because when massing the 3.0 grams, it could have reacted with the atmosphere, giving us 0.10 off, such as 2.90grams. This may not affect the results by a lot, but there would still be an effect on it. Another example of our results being affected by this includes that since some of our unknown salt reacted, when we measured the temperature it could have actually been either lower or higher than what we actually expected. For example, if the salt wasn’t exposed to the atmosphere we could have got a temperature of 18oC, but i nstead due to the fact it was exposed we got 20oC. The affect this had on our results and solution is a medium result. This is a medium result because if some of the unknown salt reacted, it would have been in such a small quantity, that it wouldn’t have a large effect on our results. Possible solutions from stopping this problem from occurring includes, either keeping the salt in an isolated room, put a tad more of the unknown salt in the water, just to counter act for the ones that reacted. In the mixed of completing the lab, we stumbled upon a mistake with determining the unknown salt. The mistake had an impact on final answer and wasn’t taken into account that it may possible have an effect on our final solution. The mistake that may have been encountered includes that our unknown source of salt, when added into the water, may have not dissolved properly. This resulted in the reaction not taking place to dissolve the entire product, which may have affected the temperature that was measured. Due to the fact that the salt wasn’t dissolved and it didn’t participate in the reaction, the temperature we may have taken could have been only the waters temperature. This source of error had a large effect on our solution because we had no way of determining whether it dissolved or not, without tampering the solution. Furthermore, due to the fact of the error, we may have been given the wrong temperature of the solution that in turn gave us the incorrect res ults for the enthalpy. In accordance, not only will we have been given the incorrect enthalpy, but the results were affected as well. In order to prevent this source of error from occurring again, what I could do is, while the unknown salt is in the water, I could stir it to dissolve properly; another method can include is to shake the calorimeter to dissolve the salt. When shaking it, I would hold it from the top to prevent heat transfer from my hand and the water. Diagram 1: From the diagram we can see the calorimeter being constructed and the final result is over on the right. I would hold the middle of the calorimeter and spin it around to better dissolve the unknown salt. DoChem 095 Heat of Solution of Magnesium.DoChem 095 Heat of Solution of Magnesium. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2014. Conclusion: In conclusion, this experiment allowed us, the students, to use theories learned in class to real life applications, or real life applications that we will soon encounter. The lab better prepared us for what may be expected in the future, and allowed us to determine different factors that affected our results in more than one possible way. The cold pack experiment lab that was conducted by my group and I, had resulted in us facing errors such as measurement errors, errors including the calorimeter and errors including our unknown salt. These errors were recorded and explained to better help us prevent it from occurring again. By following the correct procedure and having the correct materials required, we were able to determine the final enthalpy. That allowed us to determine what our unknown salt was, which was ammonium chloride. Bibliography: DoChem 095 Heat of Solution of Magnesium.DoChem 095 Heat of Solution of Magnesium. N.P., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2014. Brain, Marshall , and Sara Elliot. How Refrigerators Work.HowStuffWorks. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2014. Kessel, Hans Van. The Bohr Atomic Theory.Nelson Chemistry 12. Toronto: Thomson Nelson, 2003. 174-76. Print.

Friday, October 25, 2019

General Applications of Hypnosis :: Psychology, Hypnosis

Few topics in psychology attract people in the extent that it does hypnosis. The reasons for this interest are multiple. Hypnosis fascinates by his unusual and we do not know if what attracts us is the interest in deciphering the mystery. (D. David after Gheorghidiu, 2000) Anton Mesmer was he who first who induced the state of hypnosis. He used to use a magnet that moves along the patient's body to improve blood circulation. Forgeting his magnet and once at home, Anton Mesmer was forced to resort to another object, a piece of wood, and found that patients responded well. But Mesmer did not realize at the time that the object used was important, but suggestions which induces the patient. (Ovidiu Lungu, 2004) Mielu Zlate (2007) considered hypnosis as an "altered state of consciousness located between wakefulness and sleep, but closer to waking than to sleep." Subject keeps contact with the environment during the hypnotic trance helped by the hypnotist, and cognitive changes occur at the perception, memory, thoughts, feelings, imagination, etc.. This underlines the increased activism of the brain. According to the American Psychological Association, hypnosis is a procedure whereby the subject is suggested imaginative experiences to change his subjective experience, to change his perceptions, sensations, thoughts or behavior, (Peter J. Hawkins after APA, 2009). Hypnotic trance has as main features the reduce of planning function (hypnotized subject loses the initiative and will expect the hypnotist to suggest what to do), attention becomes more selective than usual the subject which is told to obey only the voice of the hypnotist will ignore any another voice in the room) imaginative production is easily evoked (subject may find that the lives distance experiences in time and space), control and increased tolerance for low reality distortion (subject might unconditionally accept hallucinatory experiences), increased suggestibility (subject must accept the suggestions), post-hypnotic amnesia (if the subject gets instructions for this, the deeply impressed subject will forget all or almost all) (Rita L. Atkinson, 2002) Hypnotherapy applications are endless, from the surgical anesthesia which can be used at birth without pain, treatment of specific problems such as anxiety, phobias (elevator, dentist), smoking cessation, sexual dysfunction. However, failures can come from the subject's attitude against hypnotherapy and hypnosis. A negative attitude may hinder treatment. Subjects can not be controlled during their trance unwittingly. (I. Holdevici, 1991) Hypnotherapy for depressive persons contains a model proposed by Yapko in

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Another thing that can be seen n the profile is that their number of SK and Kagawad is not that numerous. Half of the entire population of barangay is not registered voters, thus, unable them to fully benefit their right to choose leaders that would change the country. As our group interviewed and surveyed citizens there in the barangay, almost all of them agreed that the major problem of their community is the uncontrollable flood that theyVe been experience for so many years.Another problem that is relevant to their place is the gang wars and street fights that is happening during night-time hat can be dangerous to the innocent civilians of the place. II. Mandates, Function, Programs, Resources of Relevant Organizations The barangay knows exactly what problems does exist on their barangay. They provided some solutions to solve these problems, however, it is not enough to thoroughly solve them. One of their solution in case of the flooding of their place is to clean their canal regu larly with the help of MMDA (Metropolitan Manila Development Authority) and DPWH (Department of Public Works and Highways).Although these two government institutions Joined hands together to solve the problem of flooding, it is not enough to get rid of the problem. As other places surrounding the barangay raise their lands to avoid flood, the barangay becomes a catch basin of all flood that comes from these high-rise places. Gang wars and street fghts is inevitable to places that is full of out- of-school youth. Even if they are going to school, some of the students tend to Join to groups and gangs that would eventually lead to the destruction of their lives.These ghts are not resolved easily, and the members of each gang or group are composed of people who are below 18, thus, preventing these people to be imprisoned. However, by the Pangilinan law, these people involve in such cases are turned over to the DSWD (Department of Social Welfare and Development). Street fghts cannot also be controlled fully because of the lack of tanods, so the barangay recruited more tanods to watch and roam around the vicinity when nighttime comes. I Policy Recommendations and Action Plan For the policies that we gave, the first policy was about waste management.We proposed that there should be weekly cleanups to help maintain the cleanliness of the canals and the barangay itself. Our next policy was about the gang war in the barangay, we proposed that a curfew must be implemented to keep all the residence safe especially in our chosen barangay since most residents there are from opposing fraternities. We also suggested that they should add more tanods to help protect the barangay. There should also be at least a medical doctor and/or nurse to stand by in the barangay Just in case of accidents.Waste management is a solution that is simple yet difficult to fulfill and to do regularly as people are lazy to do such things like this but when in comes to littering the place, it is eas y for them to do. Discipline is important so by implementing waste management, people will get to learn about the proper decorum of throwing garbage. The people of the barangay must learn how to segregate different wastes and knows where to put these wastes. By knowing these things, less garbage maybe expected, and flood will not be expected anymore.Weekly cleanups of canals and the barangay itself is a must in order to maintain cleanliness of the place. This may be beneficial for everyone as they will not be exposed anymore to such sickness like dengue, malaria, and others. It is a step towards a green and eco-friendly environment. Also by this cleanup, wastes will not be clogging the canals anymore so that flood will be flowing smoothly. Curfew is implemented in every barangay in the Philippines, but this regulation does not fully monitor the people on the street when nighttime comes.Some of the eople who are going outside is under the age limit of the curfew, thus, the youth is i nvolved. By implementing stricter curfew, people of this barangay will be expected to their respective houses before 10:00 pm. The age limit of the stricter curfew is applicable to all ages, exception to this is when there is an emergency situation. To further monitor that the curfew will be successful, the barangay must deploy several tanods in every corner of the streets of the barangay.In case of emergency, it is essential and a must to have medical doctor or nurse to e in the barangay hall or hiring a resident doctor so that whenever there will be an emergency that needs medical attention, the resident doctor or nurse will respond immediately without going far.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The ethical concerns

The ethical concerns that I have related to this dilemma are many. What is the doctor’s responsibility to try to stop the mother’s contractions? What are the limits of the attempts that should be made to save the child?   Should the mother be allowed to risk her own life to attempt to save the life of a child that is probably not viable outside the womb? Should the doctor plan a cesarean section despite the fact that the infant will probably die as soon as it is removed from the mother’s womb?   I can’t imagine making this decision personally, but many mothers are forced to make it every day. Here is the situation that lead to my ethical quandary.I have a patient who is 3 week ante partum and has had premature rupture of membranes. This condition could cause hemorrhaging for her and death of the infant in uterus. In layman’s terms, both she and the infant are at risk of death. She is starting to contract and the physician will not do anything si nce the fetus is not considered viable. The physician has described the issues of having a vaginal birth versus a cesarean section with this patient because the fetus is breech. The patient wants everything to be done to save this baby. As described above, the issues are exceedingly complex. The physician appears to have determined that the child is a lost cause and is thinking only of the health of the mother, but this is contrary to her wishes. Should the mother’s desire to save her child be allowed to override her own survival instincts? And, what role, if any, should the child’s father have in decision-making process?My literature survey for this situation was amazingly frustrating. I expected there to be a great deal of study materials available regarding this topic. It is, in essence, the quintessential ethical debate: do you save the life of the mother or the life of the child?   And, there is the question of the doctor’s ethics. Should he be able to de termine the best medical course of action if it is contrary to the mother’s wishes? And, who determines when a fetus is viable? Can we allow it to be based on an arbitrary date?I found a lot of older research regarding the ethics of abortion and approaching the discussion of fetal viability from that point of view, but there was nothing recent and nothing than dealt with miscarriages as opposed to abortion. And, there was nothing that talked about the discussion of the life of the mother versus the life of the child. I think this would clearly be a great place for additional study. I think specifically the ethical question of whether medical decisions should be made contrary to the patient’s wishes should also be considered.Right now, as a society, we allow a person to make their own decisions about their health care even though we do not allow them to determine when or how they die.   What I did find were several articles regarding the mental trauma that miscarriage and stillbirth inflict on the mother and an interesting article promoting the development of advanced directives regarding pregnancy health care. Of all the articles, this is the one that I found most interesting and directly applicable to the situation at hand.In this article, Anita Caitlin proposes that obstetricians think outside the box and promote the development of advanced directives for prenatal and delivery care.   The proposal is simple, just as a person can create a living will for care during a terminal illness or traumatic injury, a pregnant woman would in her early weeks of pregnancy discuss in depth with her doctor the potential things that could go wrong and develop a plan of action.   For instance, a woman would decide at the very beginning of the pregnancy what circumstances would lead to her decision for a cesarean section (Caitlin, 2005).This would eliminate the need to make the decision during a high stress time, since we can assume that such decision would cause stress, and at a time that the mother’s mental and emotional state is impacted by the high levels of hormones associated with pregnancy. I understand that being able to hold a woman to the advanced directives would be impossible, but a woman could elect to rely on the already issued directive and not add the trauma of making a decision to an already stressful time. This would also allow the person to discuss the eventualities with those whom she believes have a right to have a say in her life instead of just those that the laws say have a right to assist with her decision-making (next of kin, when the patient is incapacitated).Another article that drew my attention that I found in my literature review was a discussion about the ethical concerns some doctors have about making medical recommendations that are contrary to their own moral and ethical beliefs.â€Å"A growing number of doctors, nurses, and pharmacies are refusing to provide, refer, or even tell their patien ts about care options that they feel are not in keeping with their own personal religious beliefs,† stated Barbara Kavadias, Director of Field Services at the Religious Coalition and leader of the three-year project that created In Good Conscience. â€Å"Institutions are refusing to provide essential care, citing their religious commitments.† (Bioweek, 2007)This is a growing ethical trend in medical care that I have some major concerns with. Take, for instance, the case of my current patient. If she were (or is) being treated by a doctor who believes all life is sacred, he might be willing to risk the life of the mother in an effort to try to save the child. In this case, it is difficult to determine how a person with these moral concerns might treat the patient. Taking the child via c-section is probably the best for option to preserve the mother’s life. It may result in the immediate death of the fetus. Waiting and trying to abate the mother’s contractio ns may provide the child with a greater chance of survival, but also puts extra risk on the mother’s life. At that point, what are the criteria used by those with this moral outlook to determine the proper course of action?These questions are likely to grow in controversy as technology increases and the fetus is increasingly viable outside of the womb. The more that society becomes able to keep a child alive without the benefit of the mother, the more questions regarding the ethics of doing so or not doing so will grow in prominence. It is absolutely possible that with increasing medical technology and the ability to prolong life we will have additional debates regarding who gets to determine what lives are worth saving and what lives are lost.I believe that a trend toward making informed decisions is a good one and a move in the right direction, taking people away from having to make a decision in a crisis situation. I also think that it is worthwhile to discuss the role of the father in the decision-making process. Because of the trend toward increasing women’s rights and in an effort to prevent a return to the days of the complete male dominance, society appears to be moving away from the rights of a souse to have a say in decisions that affect them.For example, the birth of a child is an 18-year (minimum) commitment for men as well and in an effort to secure the rights of women, we have completely removed the father from the decision-making process. As a human, I believe that ultimate control of a person’s body should be his or her own, but it is also reasonable to believe that a spouse (or life partner) should have some say in the decision. In the case of m patient, I cannot believe that a loving partner would encourage her to risk her own life for the tiny chance to save a child which would already have been lost if not for technology.Works CitedCaitlin, Anita. â€Å"Thinking Outside the Box: Prenatal Care and the Call for a Prenata l Advance Directive†Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing. Frederick: Apr-Jun 2005. Vol. 19, Iss. 2; pg. 169.Geller, Pamela A. â€Å"Understanding distress in the aftermath of miscarriage† Network News. Washington: Sep/Oct 2002. Vol. 27, Iss. 5; pg. 4.Klier, C. M. , P. A. Geller, J. B. Ritsher. â€Å"Affective disorders in the aftermath of miscarriage: A comprehensive review†,Archives of Women's Mental Health. Wien: Dec 2002. Vol. 5, Iss. 4; p. 129.‘Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice; Religious Leaders Call for New Efforts to Reverse Growing Imposition of Sectarian Religious Beliefs on Reproductive and End-of-Life Care† Biotech Week. Atlanta: May 9, 2007. pg. 973