High school vs college essay
100# Paper
Monday, August 24, 2020
Systematic and Common Chemical Names
Methodical and Common Chemical Names There are numerous approaches to name a concoction. Here is a glance at the contrast between various sorts of substance names, including methodical names, basic names, vernacular names and CAS numbers. Efficient or IUPAC Name The efficient nameâ also called the IUPAC name is the favored method to name a compound in light of the fact that each orderly name recognizes precisely one concoction. The deliberate name is controlled by rules set out by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Basic Name A typical name is characterized by the IUPAC as a name that unambiguously characterizes a synthetic, yet doesn't follow the current deliberate naming show. A case of a typical name is CH3)2CO, which has the orderly name 2-propanone. Vernacular Name A vernacular name is a name utilized in a lab, exchange or industry that doesn't unambiguously portray a solitary substance. For instance, copper sulfate is a vernacular name which may allude to copper(I) sulfate or copper(II) sulfate. Old Name An old name is a more established name for a substance that originates before the cutting edge naming shows. Its supportive to know bygone names of synthetic substances in light of the fact that more seasoned writings may allude to synthetic concoctions by these names. A few synthetic substances are sold under bygone names or might be found away marked with the more established names. A case of this is muriatic corrosive, which is the age-old name for hydrochloric corrosive and is one of the names under which hydrochloric corrosive is sold. CAS Number A CAS number is an unambiguous identifier alloted to a compound by the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), a piece of the American Chemical Society. CAS numbers are doled out consecutively, so you cannot inform anything regarding the compound by its number. Every ca number comprises of three series of numbers that are isolated by hyphens. The primary number contains up to six digits, the subsequent number is two digits, and the third number is a solitary digit. Other Chemical Identifiers Despite the fact that the substance names and CAS Number are the most well-known approach to depict a synthetic, there are other compound identifiers you may experience. Models incorporate numbers allocated by PubChem, ChemSpider, UNII, EC number, KEGG, ChEBI, ChEMBL, RTES number and the ATC code. Case of Chemical Names Assembling everything, here are the names for CuSO4Â ·5H2O: Methodical (IUPAC) Name: copper(II) sulfate pentahydrateCommon Names: copper(II) sulfate, copper(II) sulfate, cupric sulfate, cupric sulfateVernacular Name: copper sulfate, copper sulfateArchaic Name: blue nastiness, bluestone, copper vitriolCAS Number: 7758-99-8
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Annual Report of the Two Companies
Question: Examine about the Annual Report of the Two Companies. Answer: Presentation: The two recorded organizations taken for the investigation is BHP billion Ltd and Bougainville Copper Limited. The BHP billion Ltd is a worldwide oil, mining and metals organization with its headquarter situated in Melbourne, Australia having absolute resources worth 124.6 billion (Asx.com.au 2016). Bougainville Copper Limited is an Australian gold, copper, silver mining organization and its headquartered is in Papua New Guinea. The yearly announcing of both the organizations has been broke down as for the standard of AASB. Regardless of whether the announcing arrangement of the organizations consents to the prerequisite of AASB principles. According to the norms, the detailing of the financials of the organizations are set up as indicated by the structure for the broadly useful, which is planned in an approach to address the issues of the clients of the regular money related data. The system is a consistence structure or it is said that it is a reasonable structure. Here, the invest igation would be regarding the detailing prerequisite of those worried about the administration of companies and of the bookkeepers. The individual who has the commitments identified with the responsibility and the vital bearing of the element is the one accused of administration of partnerships (Careyetal 2014). Conversation: AASB reasonable system and necessities and whether the picked element consents to it. The prerequisites of the AASB standard for the revealing element regarding the calculated system and administration of companies is examined underneath. The fiscal summaries of the detailing substance must be set up from the entitys point of view as entire as opposed to the viewpoint of the financial specialists, loan bosses or the banks. The element setting up the unconsolidated budget reports needs to uncover how it can acquire the combined articulations. The element while choosing the estimation premise, factors considered while choosing ought to be given. The data uncovered in a viable and effective manner in the budget summary make it progressively important. It is a commitment to the portrayals of the benefits, liabilities, costs and pay in a dedicated way (Bond et al. 2016). The announcements of the monetary data are an essential wellspring of data with respect to the budgetary exhibition of the substance. For instance, the costs and pay in the announcement of benefit and misfortune, portrays the entitys money related execution. Notwithstanding, such things could be accounted for outside benefit and misfortune explanation and remembered for other thorough salary. At the point when cost and pay identifies with the liabilities or resources estimated at current qualities. In the event that the concerned entitys buying intensity of the capital contributed or the support of such capital, at that point budgetary capita idea is to be received by the element. On the off chance that the element is worried about its working ability, at that point the physical idea of capital is to be utilized. The budget summaries of the announcing substance ought to give delineate the idea of unrecognized things or the perceived things that is reliable with the definition and the hazard related with the component. The data about the dangers related with the benefits and liabilities of the revealing element would help in evaluating the stewardship of the administration towards the assets of element and furthermore the capacity of the element to create incomes (Chandetal 2015). Examination of the yearly report of BHP Billion Ltd The methodology of the organization to the basic worldwide difficulties depends on their sanction esteems. The association is consistent with all the standards and guidelines, which is imperative to their tasks. It additionally guarantees that the dangers emerging from rebelliousness is limited. The motivation behind the monetary report for the present year that is 2015, has been set up as per the necessities of the Australian Corporations, Act 2001 and UK organizations Act, 2006. The announcing structure likewise consents to the Australian Accounting Standards, which is being proportionate to IFRS that is International Financial Reporting measures. The understandings of the report is according to it is given by the AASB for the year 2015. The bookkeeping standard received by the organization just because which incorporate the revision to AASB/132 of the money related instruments and this explain the measures of counterbalancing the monetary liabilities and resources. IFRIC level 21 is that the risk of paying a toll is perceived when such exercises gets activated for which the installments is happening. Such selections of revisions didn't have any material effect and in this way it doesn't have made any rehashing to the earlier year fiscal report (Zhuang 2016). The organization likewise agrees to the AASB 15 Revenue from contracts with the clients, under which the hour of perceiving the income and the sum to be perceived have been changed identifying with its assurance. It depends on the rule that the element perceives the income with the goal that the exchange of administrations and merchandise to the guaranteed client has been delineated. The organization likewise conforms to the new bookkeeping principles of AASB 9 Financial instruments under which the estimation and characterization of money related resources has been adjusted. It depends on the methodology of rule based for the advantage characterization and the model of business and the attributes of income in which the benefit is held drive it. The fiscal reports have been drawn dependent on the standards of the authentic expenses. Be that as it may, some other monetary resources and afterward budgetary instruments identifying with subsidiaries are conveyed at a reasonable worth. The noncurrent resources delegated held for appropriation or deal are estimated at the reasonable worth short expenses or the conveying esteem whichever is lower. The budget reports have been incompliance with the AASB 5 for the Non-current resource held available to be purchased and ceased activities. This is delineated in the announcements, which is rehashed for a similar impact since the monetary year 2013. The substance records of BHP Billion plc are set up as per the norms of UK organizations Act, 2006 (Aasb.gov.au 2016). Figure 1: indicating the Directors presentation (Source: made by creator) Figure 2: demonstrating the Market exposure (Source: made by creator) Figure 3: demonstrating the Remuneration report Source: (made by creator) The base pay is assessed every year except the pay of CEO would remain would not be overhauled. The scorecard weighting has been expanded in view of the significance of the compensation board of trustees set on wellbeing. The level of the inferable benefit stayed unaltered. Examination of yearly report of Bougainville Copper Ltd: The organization sets it up fiscal summaries as indicated by the guidelines of PNG organizations Act, 1997 and with the International monetary standard announcing. The announcements have been set up under the show of recorded expense according to the revaluation of budgetary resources ready to move. At the point when the budget reports are set up in congruity with the principles of global money related standard detailing then it requires the evaluations of certain basic bookkeeping. In the process applying the bookkeeping arrangements, the organization needs to practice its decisions. The benefits of mines were initially expressed at executives valuation or costs and consequently devalued at the rate thought about suitable by the organization (Bhpbilliton.com 2016). The organization has not received the new gauges of IFRS 9/AASB 9on the money related instrument on the arrangement and estimation of liabilities, budgetary resources, acknowledgment of impedance misfortunes and support bookkeeping. The organization has not adjusted to the new norms in light of the fact that the understandings are not obligatory for the organization has not early received the revealing time of the year 2015 and in this manner it. The substance is of the view subsequent to leading examinations that the revised gauges would not have any material effect on the future or the present announcing periods and on the predictable exchanges (Dakis 2016). From the above investigation of the chose two organizations, BHP Billion Ltd and Bougainville Copper Ltd set up their fiscal summary, which consents to the AASB guidelines. In any case, there are some new principles set by the AASB, which isn't fused by these organizations in the readiness of the fiscal reports. BHP billion Ltd has embraced the measures set by AASB under area 132 and IFRIC 21 however there are no material effects on the BHP Billion gathering. Nonetheless, it is researched by the organization that different norms would have sway in the monetary year beginning in 2016, so it would receive its bookkeeping prerequisites with gauges set by AASB. Then again, Bougainville Copper Ltd doesn't think about the reception of the new principles required, as it would not have any material effect on the future or current detailing time of the element (Bcl.com.pg 2016). Figure 4: demonstrating the Directors report Source: (made by creator) Figure 5: demonstrating the Auditors report (Source: made by creator) Figure 6: demonstrating the Remuneration report (Source: made by creator) Tending to the divergence in corporate revealing through the consideration of reasonability in the theoretical system Reasonability is fundamental in accomplishing lack of bias and it goes about as alert under the occasion of vulnerability. At the point when organization practice reasonability, it implies that the liabilities and costs are not downplayed, likewise the pay and resources are not exaggerated. Judiciousness helps in tending to the dissimilarity in the corporate announcing of the substance in various manners. Judiciousness assists with tending to the worry of the speculators drawback dangers and the substance practicing reasonability would have the option to adjust the enthusiasm of directors and investors in this way diminishing good peril. The amendment of the term reasonability would help in tending to the revealing difference as need was felt to
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Top Tips on How to Write a Rhetorical Analysis Essay
Top Tips on How to Write a Rhetorical Analysis Essay In this blog, I am going to share with you the best and the most effective ways to write a rhetorical analysis essay. It will be quite helpful for the students who always struggle while writing the rhetorical analysis essay. What is a Rhetorical Analysis Essay? Summary What is a Rhetorical Analysis Essay?How to write a rhetorical analysis essayEthosPathosLogosPrewritingGather informationCreate an outlineDevelop a thesisStart writing the introductionDevelop your body paragraphsHow to write a conclusionConclusion The rhetorical analysis essay is all about the procedure of how to influence an audience with the help of your essay. Moreover, it includes the appraising words of text. The rhetoric analysis discusses and how to text, author, an audience. The rhetorical text does not need to write, while you can use the speech, pictures, and other visual words. The rhetorical analysis essay also not support the argument presented in the text. It means to explain how to case is made, and methods were applying to make useful. How to write a rhetorical analysis essay The rhetorical analysis essay focused on complex text and comprehensive analysis. To examine the composition of the text in the rhetorical analysis essay, you should use critical thinking skills. Besides, you should need to focus on writing that based on writer wrote text by content work. You should know about elements of rhetorical elements for a good rhetorical analysis essay and how to relate to another. Three main elements of the rhetorical analysis essay Once you learn regarding three main elements, then your analysis on how to integrate reliable and persuasive arguments for an essay. It would be best if you used Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in text. It is essential to study how element work. Ethos Ethos refers to credibility for the author and determines to look by the moral character of authors. Given the decision on writer based on text looks. Pathos Pathos is an emotional feeling text to evoke the emotional feelings in the audience. Determine bond author has feeling author intends audience experience. Logos It looks at how authors persuade messages of text. Including there any logic-based author’s argument persuasion writer based on real information. Some steps for preparing a rhetorical analysis essay Prewriting You need to write a draft of the paper and note down highlights your paper to using a guide for writing.Improve a structure that will determine the content of the text.Analysis the main target of rhetoricians in your analysis.The author’s main goal is the forms of primary analysis.Select rhetorical methods that have using the main text. Gather information To make you essay good, you need to have proper research and writing skills.Before writing analysis a suitable writing style.You will need to maintain the entire essay.You should analyze the audience and need to examine the rhetorical appeal. Create an outline Someone writes an essay using a smooth flow and needs to have outlined.An outline would keep thought to manage.Always stick with the main ideas of the essay.The outline can help to define steps that will have come within proper rhetoric analysis easy.It would give step by step instructions that can you write an essay. Develop a thesis The thesis is the main point of the rhetorical analysis essay.It provides information on what the reader expects in your essay.You can outline methods and to analyze the text in an essay.Select thought that would entire essay on draw thesis statement from there.The reader should have the ability to retrace the argument. Start writing the introduction Start your introduction with the diving case of analysis.The information writer accomplished the main reason for the text.Provide the reader with the main overview point that will explain in the essay. Develop your body paragraphs Make sure your paragraph explains informative information.Analyze methods in paragraphs and use chronological order methods.Begin paragraph using the topic sentence as an open sentence for discussion methods.You should ensure evidence using credible and compelling arguments.You can use the fact-based evidence in your research paper.Introduce methods using three primary texts, Epos, Pathos, and Logos. How to write a conclusion Conclude rhetorical analysis by argument and summarizing all thought.You can write a conclusion in different ways.You will be finishing up analysis in the high note by restating the argument in the text.Apart from that, you can also restate the thesis statement of your essay.You can determine the relevance argument and understand the messages.Your conclusion can revolve thought ideas and mentions essay without new information.You should explain the conclusion and end within a positive impression. Conclusion The above information provides support to solve issues of rhetorical analysis essay writing. In addition, there are provided guidelines to get more information regarding how to write a rhetorical analysis essay writing. In case you are facing issues regarding rhetorical analysis essay writing, you can take the best essay writing help from our experts.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Critical Thinking Skills And The Little Albert Episode
Critical Thinking Skills and the Little Albert Episode Ethics remains unavoidable in most disciplines, and psychology is no exception. John Watson’s experiment deserves the current criticism because it failed to observe informed consent and protection from harm principle. The controversy arises from the principle of beneficence and non-maleficence. The principle requires psychologists, in this case, John Watson, and his student to benefit and care for his subjects. During the Experiment, Albert was nine-months-old. The age of the infants forms the first unethical behavior by Watson. The APA code requires psychologists to ensure justice, integrity, respect for people’s rights and dignity, responsibility and fidelity, and beneficence and non-maleficence. The experiment is unethical as most of the activities did not practice justice and integrity to the involved human subject. The Little Albert experiment was conducted to underline the methods to an unlimited extent. Beneath the research among John Watson, and Rosalie Rayner’s Little Albert there were many controversy behaviors linked to the code of ethics. During the controversial psychological study conducted the experiment among a nine month old child; Albert little, and Watson. The experiment was based on the emotional behavior of fear by Pavlov. He pursued to reveal how human being stimulus to the emotional responses of fear by contact. In 1920, the study by Watson exposed a 9 month baby; Albert to contact with severalShow MoreRelatedAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Technology990 Words  | 4 Pagesand social skills. They can learn this from television programs such as Sesame Street, Dora, PBS kids, and many others. Many of these educational programs teach children about morals and ethics because they offer a life lesson in every episode. As well, they can learn by using programs and games su ch as Starfall, Play School, and others. 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As part of the larger field of cognitive science, this branch of psychology is related to other disciplines including neuroscience, philosophy and linguistics. Information-processing-characterizes thinking as the environment providing input of data, which is then transformed by our senses. The information can be stored, retrieved and transformed using â€Å"mental programs†, with the results being behavioral responses. Evolutionary psychology-is focusedRead More2301 Final Exam Workbook Essay6573 Words  | 27 Pagesvariable?_______________________________________________ 1c. What is the control group?____________________________________________________ 1d. What is/are the experimental group(s)?__________________________________________ 3. Why is random assignment critical to the experimental method? Objective 1.7 Explain the rationale behind placebo-controlled experiments. Key Terms placebo double-blind technique placebo effect experimenter bias Exercises 1. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Compare and Contrast Billy Budd versus Bartleby Essay
A Comparison/Contrast Analysis of Billy Budd and Bartleby Several comparisons and contrasts can be made concerning the two stories, Billy Budd and Bartleby, written by Herman Melville. The setting of the two stories reveals an interesting comparison and contrast between the British Navy on the open sea, and the famous Wall Street of New York. The comparison and contrast of characters, Billy Budd, Captain Vere, and Claggart in Billy Budd, and the `narrator and Bartleby in Bartleby, at times are very much alike, and also very different. The conflict, climax and resolution of the two Melville stories contain similarities and differences. These two stories, on the exterior, appear to be very different, and on the interior†¦show more content†¦The setting for Billy Budd is on a British naval ship, sailing on the sea during the late 1700s. This was a critical period for the British Navy. Great Britain was at that time an imperial presence all around the world. This included the Americas, Africa, Australia, India, and the Far East. All these territories had stretched British Naval forces beyond its capacity to govern and control such a huge empire. These complications eventually led to its decline. In contrast, the setting for Bartleby was New York Citys Wall Street. During the early to mid 1800s, Wall Street was the center of Americas financial and business life. The banking and credit institutions, insurance companies, and the growing stock exchange were all revolutionizing the American economy. The comparison and contrast of the characters will begin with who the main characters are. In the story of Bartleby, the main characters are the unnamed `narrator, who is the employer at the copying office; and Bartleby, the hired scrivener, or copyist. There are several minor characters in this story, and their symbolism is of some small significance to the story. In Billy Budd, the main characters are Billy Budd, the handsome sailor; Claggart, the master-at-arms; and Captain Vere, the commander of the ship. The
Marketing $100 Laptop Free Essays
Mr. Negroponte wanted to create educational opportunities for the world’s poorest children by providing each child with a low cost laptop. This laptop will have educational software to provide children with otherwise unavailable technological learning opportunities. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing $100 Laptop or any similar topic only for you Order Now OLPC provides an interesting vantage point from which to examine the dynamics between non-profit and for-profit competitors because of the rapid development of the low-cost laptop market. OLPC was undoubtedly the innovator in this category of low-cost laptops with their â€Å"$100 laptop†concept. However, now that for-profit companies have entered the market and released a slew of similar products, OLPC must find ways to maintain its competitive advantage. OLPC was facing some marketing challenges and some the non-marketing challenges. The $100 price for the laptops is to be achieved by operating with no profit, cutting all unnecessary frills including marketing campaigns and assembling large quantities of computers. Negroponte estimated the program will launch with a distribution of at least 5 million computers, and said he hopes to increase that number to 100 million by the second year. He predicted that as the laptop design improves, the per-unit price will go down. Marketing Challenges: †¢ Marketing a low-cost, lightweight laptop seemed contradictory to recent products that are lightweight and ultra-thin that were typically more expensive and harder to manufacture. †¢ Most children using $100 laptop would not have ready access to electricity. †¢ Consumers criticizing OLPC for discounting the value of teacher training and curriculum development using the device. †¢ Governments opting out to put its resources toward traditional method of education. †¢ Prices for the OLPC don’t seem to stay at $100 causing different price floats. †¢ Competition like Intel(for profit companies) launching its own cheaper laptop targeting developing nations as well. Offering enhanced capabilities and the ability to run version of Linux or Window XP 3. Analysis: Differentiation: Price and Technology OLPC should differentiate its product, the XO, from direct competitors such as Intel’s Classmate PC and indirect competitors in the netbook category such as Dell Mini product lines. Differentiation must be visible on three distinct levels; price, technology, and brand. Price: OLPC is currently the cost-leader in this category. The Intel Classmate PC, which is OLPC’s most direct competitor, is currently priced at $285. The OLPC’s XO is priced at $175. Since both OLPC and its competitors are serving government education programs, cost will be extremely important as a number of nations are creating bidding wars for purchasing contracts. Even though OLPC is the lowest cost offering at this point, maintaining this price advantage will become increasingly difficult as competition in the market for low-cost laptops heats up. OLPC overcame some of the challenges by keeping laptop at low-cost by outsourcing the major design work and key part of the operating systems to different countries. Technology and Innovation: OLPC had a first-mover advantage in this market as its XO offering was perhaps the first entrant into the affordable netbook category. OLPC is specialized for its market of children ages 6-12. The design and child-friendly operating system is very unique. The unique connectivity is important for rural areas with sparse communications infrastructure. The XO is built for ultimate adaptability. Even its power sources can be diversified. OLPC has done an admirable job differentiating its product from its competitors through its innovative technologies and education-specific software and hardware. Competitive Strategy: Though OLPC is a leader on price and feature set, sustaining this advantage will be extremely difficult when facing competition from the largest computer companies in the world. Thus to keep its top position, it must leverage its advantages as a non-profit organization. OLPC must create value from its non-profit status to build reputation and trust. As a non-profit, OLPC can build goodwill in ways that for-profit companies are not able. Also being a non-profit enables OLPC to finance and maintain pricing schemes that are different than the competition. In terms of cost savings, OLPC has the advantage that many companies are eager to produce components for the OLPC. For example, Microsoft has gone out of its way to create a version of Windows to run on the OLPC. This is a cost savings that competitive firms are unable to match. To exploit this advantage further, OLPC could even attract advertisement agency to advertise on their PCs to further lower the cost of each machine. How to cite Marketing $100 Laptop, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Lateral Thinking Essay Example
Lateral Thinking Paper 1. Introduction As human beings, people have different ways of thinking. The way they think will influence their decisions. Nowadays, some people try to improve their potential to think uniquely. This type of thinking can be called Lateral thinking. This concept is very useful for people who are working in business organisation especially when they make a decision. This report will illustrate more about lateral thinking, the method to improve lateral thinking, and how to use this concept in corporate world. 2. Lateral Thinking There are three basics ways of thinking, which are logical thinking, common sense, and puzzles science. Logical thinking is where people do not over look to the reason why they consider thing as correct. For example, a car will not run without fuel and most people know it without comprehend this problem. The second basic method is common sense. In this method where people find solution for their problems based on their experience. The third method is Puzzles and science where people try to find solution for certain problem. (Mero 1990, pp. 11-36) Mero has overlooked a new method of thinking which called Lateral Thinking was first introduced by Edward de Bono. He stated that lateral thinking is the way of thinking which approach different principles and ideas (Lateral thinking 2006). An example to describe Lateral thinking: â€Å"You cannot dig a hole in a different place by digging the same hole deeper. †(de Bono 1992, p. 52) From this example, Edward de Bono emphasized that people should look at things from different alternatives and perception. Thinking of different alternatives will help people to eliminate conventional way of thinking and find new solution to their problems. (de Bono 1992, p. 53) 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Lateral Thinking specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lateral Thinking specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lateral Thinking specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Lateral Thinking in relation with creativity and Innovation Altering concepts and perception lead people to think laterally. This changing process involves creativity to generate new ideas. According to De Bono (1992, p. 55) assert â€Å"The term â€Å"lateral thinking†is very precise. Lateral thinking is based on behavior of self-organizing information system. †Even though the basic pattern of lateral thinking is focusing on searching of perception and concepts, its still considers the shifting of its process. In other words, creative thinking is a process of finding new concepts and ideas to solve a problem. (de Bono 1992, p. 5) Characteristics of creative thinkers are innovative and creative, imaginative in problem solving, arranged mind, positive thinking, and hard working (Tanner 1992). The first characteristic is creative and innovative which means creative thinkers dislike of being stagnant and they will do creative act to make changes. Their creative way of th inking may contribute to the benefit of themselves and their community. Second characteristic is imaginative in the way of searching alternatives for problem solving, â€Å"They do not grab at the first idea to solve a problem but take the time to search for alternatives†. Third characteristic is arranged mind. At this point, creative thinkers will adopt the situation and try to get the idea from that situation. Fourth characteristics of creative thinkers is positive thinking, it means they see things even problems in positive way. The last characteristics is hard working which means creative thinkers always focus and concentrate their mind and put effort on their goal. (Tanner 1992) 4. Access to Understand Lateral Thinking There are several accesses to understand lateral thinking which are â€Å"reading materials, seminars and lectures, group and individual practice. (Bono 1971, p 158-163) Reading materials is the first access to understand lateral thinking, where people can find the information from book. However, there will be misunderstanding of this subject when people only read and try to understand from books. The second access is attending seminars and lectures which only cover the background of lateral thinking theory because seminars and lec tures only concentrate to one technique (de Bono 1971, p. 158). The last accesses that people can use are group and individual practice. According to De Bono (1971, p. 58), group practice will give pictures about lateral thinking methods. Moreover, people can learn lateral thinking by individual practice. â€Å"The purpose of individual practice in lateral thinking is to acquire skill and confidence in this type of thinking. †(De Bono 1971, p. 158) 5. Methods to Improve Lateral Thinking Nowadays, people have to improve their skill to think laterally. There are many methods to develop lateral thinking that were introduced by Edward de Bono. Particularly, this report will only concentrated on six thinking hats method and the creative pause method (Bono 1992). . 1 Six thinking hats method Six thinking hats method is â€Å"a model that can be used for exploring different perspective towards a complex situation or challenge. †(Bono 1985) The purpose of this method is to h elp individuals directly accept the difference point of view of one thing. Edward de Bono uses different colors to explain this method. For example, white represents objective facts, red represents justification, black represents logical negative views, yellow represents looks for benefit, green represents new ideas and blue represents organizer. Trained employees who attend this training wear one hat to put them selves in other person’s position. From this process, employees can learn to see one subject from different point of view. The advantages of this system can develop communication skill among the employees within organisation and help decision making. (de Bono 1979 and de Bono1985) 5. 2 The Creative pause method This method is the easiest way for people to train their lateral thinking skill. However, in order to make this method effective people should give special attempt and high commitment to learn the method. de Bono 1992) â€Å"The creative pause is an interruption in the smooth flow of routine in order to pay deliberate attention at some point. †(De Bono 1992, p. 86) When using this method, people will focus to some objects or problems and many questions will come into their minds which respond intention the situation that occur. For example, â€Å"Why we eat in the restaurant? †, â€Å"Wh y we do not eat at home? †, â€Å"How about if we do not eat anything tonight†. (de Bono 1992, p. 86) Motivation plays an important role in learning the method, when people have the right motivation it will give them benefits, and that is being able to think creatively. In addition, hope also gives a significant impact since there is a new possibility for a solution. (de Bono 1992, p. 87) As mentioned above, this method is the easiest way to learn lateral thinking; therefore it does not require any special system. De Bono (1992, p. 88) stated, â€Å"the main point of the pause is to give attention to something and to place that point in your mind as being worthy of attention. †To think creatively, people should think slowly in order to concentrate on particular point. For example, when drawing it is important to take time in order to get a good inspiration to be applied on the painting. (de Bono 1992, p. 88) People should understand the difference between creative pause and selecting important parts of the problem. Essentially, creative pause only concentrate in creating new idea about the problem. (de Bono 1992, p. 89) 6. Application of lateral thinking in Business Organisation Today, many large business organisations are trying to look at creative thinking method which founded by Edward De Bono. This method becomes famous in UK and many companies send their representatives to take advantage of this method. Several companies that have been applying lateral thinking within the organization are IBM, Federal Express and British Airways. Those companies are implementing the theory of lateral thinking by establishing program of thinking creatively and systematically using six thinking hats method which already explained above. (Evans 1994) Another company that has applied Lateral thinking is NDS (Norse Dairy System) which based in Columbus, Ohio. They were applying lateral thinking method by creatively made various types of ice-cream cones in 2003. NDS was the first ice-cream cones supplier that created cones in flavors, iced oatmeal cookies, and chocolate vanilla cookies covered with chocolate. That kind of innovation in the ice-cream industry was created by thinking outside the box because at that time, there was no other competitor who had the same innovation. (Be a Trend Setter 2003, pp. 6-7) Implementation of Lateral thinking in business organisation has made many companies succeed and become more effective and efficient. More over, the most important of applying this method is making modern corporate world more innovative and creative (Evans 1994). 7. Conclusion In conclusion, lateral thinking is very important for problem solving in modern world because with lateral thinking people can observe one thing in different perspectives and try to find new solution for the problem. The founder of lateral thinking, Edward de Bono, has made significant changing in corporate world which lead many organisations to be successful by implementing lateral thinking.
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